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"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself" ~ Rumi


Imagine that every human has the potential to create their perfect life and contribute to a thriving world. Yet so few do. Why is this?


Like the caterpillar, we are so much more than we know. We remain unaware of our true potential. We have forgotten that creation begins in consciousness, allowing ourselves to become limited by our past and what we think. We have fallen prey to false beliefs and the expectations and opinions of others.


At Being Imaginal, we’ve developed a framework that helps us step beyond limitation and guides us from possibility to experience.

Consciousness-Centered Design™

Whether adopted by an individual seeking a new experience of life, a team birthing something new into the world, an organization taking things to the next level, or a community seeking to come together and support members in new ways, our powerful framework acts as a catalyst for realizing potential, innovation, and transformation.



The first step in any process of creation or transformation is to expand and deepen our conscious awareness of who we are, our true potential, our relationship with the world around us, and our connection to and interdependence with life itself. We must come to a deeper knowing of ourselves that supports us in bringing forth our highest expression. 



From a place of expanding awareness, how do we now show up in the world? Our unique brilliance and contributions can only be brought forth through the authentic, heart-centered expression of who we truly are. Authenticity means building relationships of deep trust with ourselves and others. There is no pretending, no hiding. It is deep, personal leadership that requires harmony, vulnerability, and emotional and energetic intelligence. 


Bringing vision into form requires the focused energy that is created when we align the authentic expression of who we are with all aspects of our endeavors. Everything is connected, so when we are out of alignment, the energy flow is disrupted, and the effects are felt by all who are in our ecosystem. Proper alignment necessitates holistic design based in context, rather than reductionist approaches that are based in separation.



Conscious action makes all the difference between merely generating activity and ultimately creating experiences that reflect our true potential and intended outcomes. Are our actions – including the behaviors we adopt and exhibit – in context, consistent with our awareness? Are they authentic and aligned? Or are they taken out of fear or from a false sense of who we are? 


This is where the proverbial rubber hits the road. It all comes down to experience. We must be willing to own our experiences as the outcome of our individual and collective creations. The key is to build the capacity to translate our experience into wisdom that informs the next cycle of creation. Are we able to understand and learn from the factors that contribute to the outcomes we experience? Or are we living in a world of luck, fate, and defeatism?


A Dynamic Framework

Consciousness-Centered Design is not linear, but dynamic. While progressing through the elements can be approached in a linear way, each element is completely integrated and interdependent with all the others.

The framework operates in cycles. From accountability – and the lessons learned – we return to awareness. The process of creation is ongoing and upleveling.

Some cycles are long-term; others are short. Some cycles repeat; others won’t. Long cycles will likely contain many short cycles within them. Some cycles can be accelerated and become much more iterative.

Getting Pragmatic Results

For each element of the Consciousness-Centered Design framework, we bring along a diverse set of proven methods and practical tools to help our clients achieve results. From personal practices to organizational tools, we select the right mix to meet people where they are on the journey and be relevant in the specific context of their endeavors.

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